Registry/Registrar Bulletin

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.UK Direct - The New Shorter and Sharper .UK Domain

As previously announced "DIRECTK.UK" will launch on June 10, 2014.  Additional information:

.UK (2nd. level) Go Live Info:

Please note that for 2nd level .UK domains either the registrant or the administrative contact must be located and have a valid address with a country code of GB, GG, JE or IM. The use of a PO Box is not allowed. These requirements do not apply to 3rd. level domain names (e.g. CO.UK).

HEXONET will start withdrawing DEPOSITS for Go Live starting June 10, 2014. These deposit deductions are only to reserve funds in case all your Pre-registrations are successful. Deposits will automatically be returned back to your reseller account if any Pre-registrations are not successful or if you delete it prior to the submission to the registry (for Go Live 48 hours prior to the actual launch).

Go Live applications deleted more than 48 hours prior launch are automatically refunded back to your reseller account. Please note, that Go Live deletions are not permitted in the last 48 hours prior launch.

Pre-registration via API:
command = AddDomainApplication
class = UK_GOLIVE
domain =
period = 2
ownercontact0 = (CONTACT)
admincontact0 = (CONTACT)
techcontact0 = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0 = (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 = (NAMESERVER)

Pre-Registrations via Control Panel:
Pre-registrations can be submitted through the Control Panel by logging into your account and navigating to "Manage Products > Domains" and clicking the "Pre-reg Admin" link in the left side menu. From here one can list existing or submit new pre-registrations. Users can modify or delete any pre-registrations without charge up to 48 hours prior to the launch date.

Convert your .UK EOI's to Pre-Registrations:

As of June 2nd, 2014 you will be permitted to convert your EOI's to Domain Applications (Pre-Registrations). We will NOT filter Go Live Applications with prior rights and will allow all domains. These will get filtered at Go Live. Please make sure to add the matching registrant contact data if you own the respective .CO.UK domain name. If your desired .UK domain name is not subject to prior rights there is no need for a matching registrant. We will allocate deposits immediately on June 2, 2014. Please ensure you have sufficient funds.

Nominet Registry's New Data Quality Policy - Starting May 7, 2014:

As previously announced a new data policy is now in place and it effects 3rd. level .UK domains as well as 2nd level .UK domains. Please note that whenever the registry for .UK domains can not validate the registrant name or the registrant address you will receive a respective DOMAIN_DELETION::DELETION_PENDING event. If the registrant name or registrant address can not ve validated within 30 days the domain will be suspended for another 30 days and then deleted by the registry. Since the policy is new all deletions have been postponed until September 22, 2014. A description of the validation process is available at . If a .UK domains is awaiting validation the whois will show the following status:

   Data validation:
       Registrant name and address awaiting validation

We will list all .UK domains that have not yet been validated from June 10, 2014 onwards in the Control Panel at "Pending Tasks --> Registrant Verification".


Price Change for new .GG & .JE Domains

Price reductions announcement of .GG and .JE domains to take effect on June 1, 2014:

Second Level .GG and .JE Price Changes:

Third-Level .GG and .JE Price Changes:


Change for .CA Domain - Immediate Effect

CIRA recently announced that the 60 day LOCK for new domains or domains with updates involving registrant name or CPR category applied to them will no longer be locked.  This new regulation takes effect immediately.


New Feature in Control Panel - Upcoming Renewals

On June 1, 2014, HEXONET will release a new feature in the control panel that allows users to download their list of upcoming renewals.  The feature can be found when logging onto your account and proceeding to "Manager Products > Domains > Domain Admin > Upcoming Renewals".

You can select the renewal time-frame in "1 week | 2 weeks | 1 Month | 2 Months | 3 Months" periods and then download an .xls file for the renewals in the selected time-frame.


Change to .US ccTLD Launching July 1, 2014

On July 1, 2014 the following changes will take effect for .US Domain:


dot VG Enabled and Back in Action

As previously announced, HEXONET has successfully enabled .VG again.  With the change of hands to a different registry, some minor important changes to the periods have been affected.  Please note the following changes: